UPDATE: This Instahottie post was originally published on August 22, 2021.
Marvin Cortes is still serving face! The 32-year-old model is currently based in Los Angeles, California, and judging by his Instagram pictures, he is living his best life.
We’ve updated the feature with a slew of more recent photos of Marvin Cortes.
It has been tough, but we’ve spent all week long scouring the depths of Instagram to bring you this week’s Instahottie — Marvin Cortes.
Fans of America’s Next Top Model may recognize model Marvin Cortes from cycle 20 of the reality series. Cortes has been making some news of his own of late, as the 28-year-old model and content creator took to social media to share with his fans and followers that he is publicly coming out as bisexual.
“I want to let you know that I’m coming out as openly bisexual. I’ve been in love with both men and women,” Cortes said in a heartfelt, 11-minute coming-out video he posted to Instagram TV in early August. “I’ve been proud to be a part of the gay community in my personal life, and I just want to share it now publicly online.”
He went on to say, “I’ve never been happier, and I look forward to living more of an authentic life and sharing that with you. “This is who I am, and who I want to be,” he wrote in the caption of his video. “I love you all, and am proud to be part of this community.”
He also announced this week that he’s started an OnlyFans page. Sadly, it was prior to the news that OnlyFans was not going to allow sexually explicit adult content on the site.
“Part of the reason I wanted to create an OnlyFans page was the increasing amount of censorship on social media,” he explained. “The restrictions being placed on creators and photographers is bordering on censorship. I want to be able to shoot and share all of my photos and videos without having to worry about being thrown off of a platform.”