Margot Robbie, Scarlett Johansson, Halle Berry, Cameron Diaz and More Take on the Boss Bitch Fight Challenge

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Boss Bitch Fight Challenge

Some of Hollywood’s biggest female stars are “fighting each other” to squelch their boredom while in lockdown the coronavirus pandemic.

Showing off their impressive skills in a new viral Instagram fight club style video, the Boss Bitch Fight Challenge was started by stuntwoman Zoë Bell — famous for being Uma Thurman‘s Kill Bill and Lucy Lawless‘ Xena Warrior Princess stunt doubles.

Featuring cameos from the likes of Margot Robbie, Cameron Diaz, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore and more, the new celebrity coronavirus isolation challenge is about as star-studded as it gets (watch it above).

The video starts with, Bell, 41, attempting to read a book before she throws it down and complains about how bored she is.

“I’m so bored! I just want to play with my friends,” she whines.

“Wait a minute, I can play with my friends!” Bell then launches in and lands a fierce kick at the camera as it cuts to Lawless who reels back while saying “What the heck, Zozo?” The warrior princess then packs a punch which lands on the next star leading lady.

It goes on from there with A-list actress after A-list actress getting hit and then attacking the camera — like Drew Barrymore who receives a kick to the face from a rollerskate and Juliette Lewis who smashes the screen with a dumbbell.

Diaz is spotted ditching her groceries to pack a punch and Johansson receives a smack to the face before picking up a weighted fitness ball and throwing it at the camera.

Set to new music from KT Tunstall, ‘The Healer’, the action-packed home-made video comes to a close with Bell laughing at the camera.

“I love this game! Who wants to play next week?”

In case you missed it, here are all of the badass women featured in the video: Lucy Lawless, Tara Macken, Drew Barrymore, Juliette Lewis, Tamiko Brownlee, Rosario Dawson, Amy Johnson, Cameron Diaz, Kim Murphy, Daniela Ruah, Michaela McAllister, Kaitlin Olson, Lauren Mary Kim, Florence Pugh, Julia Butters, Angela Meryl, Sarah Irwin, Daryl Hannah, Sophia Di Martino, Tracie Thoms, Shauna Duggins, Zoe Saldana, Ming Qiu, Renée Goldsberry, Rosie Perez, Lilly Aspell, Thandie Newton, Mel Stubbs, Jessie Graff, Monique Ganderton, Halle Berry, Heidi Moneymaker, Scarlett Johansson, Dayna Grant, Margot Robbie, Renae Moneymaker, and KT Tunstall.

Watch the video below.

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Here it is……! Kicking lockdown boredom with some of the coolest! Ladies, you are all my hero’s.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 📣 a massive personal shout out to @bodhihorn for editing the flick and my stress levels! ❤️ Follow this fight challenge on my new youtube channel-> (link in bio) ⠀ ⠀ In order of appearance:⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Zoë Bell @therealzoebell⠀⠀ Lucy Lawless @reallucylawless⠀⠀ Tara Macken @taramacken⠀⠀ Drew Barrymore @drewbarrymore⠀⠀ Juliette Lewis @juliettelewis⠀⠀ Tamiko Brownlee @tamikobrownlee⠀⠀ Rosario Dawson @rosariodawson⠀⠀ Amy Johnston @amyejohnston⠀⠀ Cameron Diaz @camerondiaz⠀⠀ Kimberly Shannon Murphy @kimberlyshannonmurphystunts⠀⠀ Daniela Ruah @danielaruah⠀⠀ Michaela McAllister @kella.mcallister⠀⠀ Kaitlin Olson @kaitlinolson⠀⠀ Lauren Mary Kim @laurenmarykim ⠀⠀ Florence Pugh @florencepugh⠀⠀ Julia Butters @julia_butters⠀⠀ Angela Meryl @angelameryl ⠀⠀ Sarah Irwin @sarah__irwin ⠀⠀ Daryl Hannah @dhlovelife⠀⠀ Sophia Di Martino @itssophiadimartino ⠀⠀ Tracie Thoms @traciethoms ⠀⠀ Shauna Duggins @shaunaduggins⠀⠀ Zoe Saldana @zoesaldana⠀⠀ Ming Qiu @sunmoonl⠀⠀ Reneé Elise Goldsberry @reneeelisegoldsberry⠀⠀ Rosie Perez @rosieperezbrooklyn⠀⠀ Lilly Aspell @lillyaspellactress⠀⠀ Thandie Newton @thandienewton⠀⠀ Melissa Stubbs @actiongirl99⠀⠀ Jessie Graff @jessiegraffpwr⠀⠀ Monique Ganderton @moganderton⠀⠀ Halle Berry @halleberry⠀⠀ Heidi Moneymaker @heidimoneymaker ⠀⠀ Scarlett Johansson ⠀⠀ Dayna Grant @daynastunts⠀⠀ Margot Robbie @margotrobbie⠀⠀ Renae Moneymaker @renaemoneymaker007⠀⠀ KT Tunstall @kttunstall ⠀⠀ Zoë Bell ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Edited by Jacob Horn @bodihorn⠀⠀ Social Media Megan Hubbell @meghubb85⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ #BossBitchFightChallenge #LockdownKnockdown #ZoeBell #ScarlettJohansson #MargotRobbie #CameronDiaz #LucyLawless #HalleBerry #JulietteLewis #FlorencePugh #RosarioDawson #RosiePerez #TracieThoms #ThandieNewton #ReneeEliseGoldberry #DrewBarrymore #DanielaRuah #ZoeSaldana #KaitlinOlson #amyjohnston #SophiaDiMartino #JuliaButters #LillyAspell #StuntWomen #darylhannah #GirlsDoItBetter #stuntreactionchallenge #cucchallenge ⠀ My mum would be loving this. @tishmbell ❤️

A post shared by Zoë Bell (@therealzoebell) on

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