Does Dwayne Johnson pee in bottles while on set?

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Dwayne Johnson Arrives At 'Good Morning America'
Photo Credit: Jose Perez/INSTARimages

Dwayne Johnson‘s been spilling the beans about his bathroom habits — turns out he sometimes pees in bottles while filming.

The former wrestler-turned-movie star opened up about this quirky practice in a recent GQ video cover story. He explained it’s all about being efficient, as taking bathroom breaks on set can eat up precious time.

Dwayne Johnson Arrives At 'Good Morning America'
Dwayne Johnson at the ‘Good Morning America’ show in Midtown, Manhattan on Nov. 11, 2024. Photo Credit: Elder Ordonez/INSTARimages

“Yeah. That happens. … I’ve said a thousand times: ‘Hey, I’m here. Come and ask me. And I’ll tell you the truth,'” Johnson shared with the magazine, brushing off concerns about what happens to these bottles afterward.

This revelation about Johnson’s on-set routine first made waves in April. The Wrap reported on the filming of his upcoming Christmas flick, Red One, claiming the actor’s chronic tardiness — sometimes up to eight hours late — caused the movie’s budget to skyrocket to $250 million.

Dwayne Johnson Arrives At 'Good Morning America'
Dwayne Johnson at the ‘Good Morning America’ show in Midtown, Manhattan on Nov. 11, 2024. Photo Credit: Jose Perez/INSTARimages

Johnson admitted he does show up late sometimes, but not to the extreme mentioned in The Wrap’s story.

“Yeah, that happens too,” Johnson told GQ. “But not that amount, by the way. That was a bananas amount. That’s crazy. Ridiculous.”

Dwayne Johnson Arrives At 'Good Morning America'
Dwayne Johnson at the ‘Good Morning America’ show in Midtown, Manhattan on Nov. 11, 2024. Photo Credit: Jose Perez/INSTARimages

Red One director Jake Kasdan also chimed in, saying that while Johnson “can be late sometimes,” he “never missed a day of work” on the film.

“Honestly, I’ve made three big movies with him. I’ve never seen him be anything but great to every single person on the set,” Kasdan added.

Dwayne Johnson Arrives At 'Good Morning America'
Dwayne Johnson at the ‘Good Morning America’ show in Midtown, Manhattan on Nov. 11, 2024. Photo Credit: Jose Perez/INSTARimages

Chris Evans, Johnson’s co-star, also defended his colleague’s on-set behavior.

“I found Dwayne to be — we all know exactly what he’s going to do when he’s going to do it,” Evans told GQ. “He comes in slightly later on certain mornings, but it’s part of the plan. It’s worked into the schedules and everyone knows it, so he shows up when he’s scheduled to show up.”

Red One, also featuring J.K. Simmons, hits the big screen this Friday.

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