Kate Beckinsale slams body-shamer for too-thin comment: ‘I am trying to survive’

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Photo via katebeckinsale/Instagram

Kate Beckinsale has responded to social media critics who are telling her she’s “too thin” after her recent health scare.

The British actress shared a video dancing in her trailer, dressed in her costume for the ’90s-based film Stolen Girl.

In the video, she laughed and had fun with her glam squad, offering fans a glimpse into the life of an actor.

After posting the clip, Beckinsale faced relentless criticism for her appearance, prompting the actress to defend herself.

One user wrote: “Sorry to say this Kate, but you look a bit thin.. You always [struck] a great balance.. But when your cheekbones start to show, the balance is off.”

Beckinsale explained why she had lost weight, slamming the critic for commenting on her body.

Kate Beckinsale
Photo via katebeckinsale/Instagram

“I nursed my [stepdad] to his death early this year. My mum also has stuff going on. I am adjusting to watching two fathers die, one when I was 5, one in January of this year.”

Back in January, the star lost her stepfather, Roy Battersby; Beckinsale also lost her biological father, Richard, to a heart attack when she was young.

“I lost my soulmate cat of almost 19 years, also last year,” she continued. “I spent six weeks in hospital due to copiously vomiting blood from a [Mallory-Weiss tear] caused by the stress of a whole year ripping a hole between my [esophagus] and stomach.”

“At the same time I experienced a severe flare-up of my mast cell disease, also mitigated by stress, shock and grief.”

“That’s what I am prepared to disclose that has contributed to some weight loss. What you think of my appearance and how I should look, independently of any circumstances in my life and my family’s is not important.”

“I am trying to survive what feels like unbearable losses, reactivated PTSD from discovering my very young father’s almost dead body as a very young child alone in the night, and working to support the family I have left.”

“The fact you fancy girls who are heavier than I am does not feature in things that are important or relevant,” she wrote.

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