Meet Instagram Hottie: Ellis Iyayi

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It has been challenging, but we’ve spent all week scouring Instagram to bring you this week’s Instahottie: Ellis Iyayi.

Ellis Iyayi is a Social Media Marketing Expert based out of London. He also happens to be a model who is signed by Fomomodels, Nevsmodels, and MgM Models.

The 25-year-old was rumored to have been cast on the first winter edition of Love Island, but that rumor was not true.

You can also find Ellis on TikTok. Here are a few of his videos.


The fact of the matter is starting my day like this means its already factual that today is gonna be a big W 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾 Pick this sport up 2 years ago and haven’t looked back 💆🏽‍♂️ #muaythai #londonmuaythai #london #dieselgym

♬ original sound – ItsEllis

A day in my life being a full time content creator…. Everyday can be different but heres how most days look. Btw I love what i do but the reality is you guys see the finished product! 30% is shooting, the rest is on the computer editing + doing admins! However the freedom is a blessing so I cant wait to create even more this year and start posting on this App daily as before I always put my time into IG! If you dont follow me on there hit me up “ellisiyayi” 😁 #dayinthelife #london #lifestyle #londonapartment

♬ original sound – ItsEllis

How to cut body fat 📉 ~ remain disciplined! #fitness #health #lifestyle #fyp

♬ Sticky – Drake

Enjoy These Pics and Videos of the Very Photogenic Ellis Iyayi

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