Nick Jonas and an adorable Golden Retriever puppy appeared at Cigna's Health Improvement Tour at Evolve on March 07, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.
Cigna is launching a mobile clinic with a staff of health coaches to help people identify risks for chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease while also giving them a better understanding of healthcare.
As a result of the Jonas Brothers reunion we can definitely expect a tour. “The main thing for us is just getting back in front of our fans and doing some live shows,” Nick said, while promoting Cigna's Health Improvement Tour in Los Angeles.
RELATED: Nick Jonas Reveals He Broke Up the Jonas Brothers
“So hopefully later on this year, we’ll get back out on the road and play some of this new music.”
But back to the Nick and the adorable puppy.
I mean, how cute is that?
In case you haven't seen Nick's commercial with an adorable puppy, you can watch that below.