Psychic Medium Travis Holp helps bring spirits into the material world

16 Min Read
Travis Holp
Photo by Brazen House Studios- Melissa Stone

Travis Holp is a psychic medium who strives to bring a sense of healing and peace to his clients and leave them feeling a new sense of connection, clarity and closure.

Known on social media as the Warrior Unicorn – a nod to his fighting spirit toward LGBTQ and mental health awareness issues, combined with his effervescent personality – Travis connects with those who have passed over and delivers messages to their loved ones in the physical world.

It’s a unique gift that he says he has always had the power to do. Travis’ commitment to helping people has led to him amassing close to 300,000 followers on Instagram and 500,000 on TikTok. Travis also has a podcast called Psychic Happy Hour, where Travis and his guests discuss life and what lies beyond.

Travis grew up in Ohio with his parents and younger sister. He was flamboyant, loved unicorns, the color pink, and dreamed of becoming a pop star like Britney Spears. He was unabashedly gay and was so anxious to be a part of the rainbow world that he left home while still a senior in high school.

After high school, Travis spent 15-years working in the beauty industry. All of that changed in 2017 when he attended a psychic reading and the medium told him that was ignoring his true calling. He was meant to be doing the same kind of healing work that she did. Travis dipped his toes into the psychic medium profession by hosting tarot readings on TikTok, where he quickly built a strong following. Within the year, he left the beauty field to fully lean into helping others through Spirit.

Travis Holp
Photo by Brazen House Studios- Melissa Stone

“Like anything, it’s taken some training but I have gotten really adept at understanding the messages Spirit tells me,” Travis acknowledges. He explains that he sees Spirit in his mind’s eye, and he hears and feels their communications. “Spirit uses my own frame of reference and symbols to help me convey their messages.”

“I believe I am meant to help others along their healing journey,” he continues. “Whether a client seeks guidance on a specific topic, wants to connect with a loved one in Spirit, or wants to deepen their own spiritual practice, I’m here to help like any great guncle who knows a lot of sh-t would.”

As far as the messages that he most often receives from Spirit, Travis says our dearly departed wish that we would let go of regret, guilt, and shame. “One of the things I have learned from Spirit is that most of what we carry isn’t necessary. In the end, all that really matters is love.”

I was able to have a reading with Travis, who shared messages of hope and encouragement from my loved ones and really seemed to know a lot about me and my loved ones and I was left feeling elated. He is a wonderful guide and I personally recommend having a reading with him for yourself. I also had the chance to speak with Travis about his work and so much more in our exclusive interview. I sense you’re going to enjoy getting to know this Warrior Unicorn.  

How did you begin your psychic journey? 

I make this joke all the time – and my mom hates it when I tell it so it makes me want to tell it even more, but it’s so true. When I was growing up, my grandmother on my dad’s side, we had this amazing relationship and we would play with the Ouija board when I was a kid. And so, I always make the joke of like, “Oh, we’d play with the Ouija board. And that’s how it happened.”

I’ve always been very sensitive and just very connected to energy of others, energy that’s in the spirit world. But I didn’t know what it was at the time. I just thought I was like super sensitive or had a vivid imagination. And then as I got a little bit older, I learned that I might not just be too sensitive or have a vivid imagination. I might actually be connecting with something that’s outside of myself. And I always equate it to like my journey of being gay, where I really didn’t know I was different until other people told me I was different.  So, I’d be talking to my parents and I’d be like, “Hey, I’ve got this friend here who looks like this and he pops up in my room.” Sometimes my parents are like, “What are you talking about?”

And similar as when I was growing up and I was kind of figuring out that I was gay that I was like, oh, I like boys and my parents are like, what are you talking about? You know, very similar there.  So, as I got older and grew up, I just kind of realized, oh, I’m just I’m different than some people.

You had a career in beauty before you went over to this. You were making people beautiful on the outside and now you’re making people feel beautiful on the inside. Is that how you look at it?

Yeah, kind of. I mean, you know, I’ve always been very aligned with helping people feel good, helping people feel good. People feel great about themselves. And so, when I was in the beauty industry, I loved connecting with people through makeup and helping them feel good. And so now that I’m kind of on this side of things, yeah, you’re totally right. It is like helping people on the inside and helping them be the fullest expression of who they are.

Last month was mental health month. This month is Pride month.  Do you work a lot within the LGBTQ community? 

You know, I work primarily with women between the ages of 35 and 50, they are the good bulk of my clients, but I do have quite a few people in the gay community that I also work with. It’s interesting because when I’m in the gay community and doing this work, there’s still a lot of religious trauma that’s there. So, they hear, you know, oh, there’s a spirit medium and he’s connecting the loved ones in spirit that kind of like can activate some things for the gay community. But I do find those that are open and open to the idea of mediumship are very receptive. 

I am seeing more and more people from the gay community be receptive to this type of work and the healing that it can provide. I am serving more and more folks that are in the gay community. I do think there’s, like I was saying, there is that little bit of hesitation around anyone that’s connected to some type of spirituality just because of religious trauma or what have you.

How are you celebrating Pride this month? 

I’m spending lots of time with my friends, spending lots of time with the people that are my chosen family. I think that that’s a beautiful reminder about Pride is that we get to sometimes choose our families in this lifetime. Pride to me is also being that fullest expression of Pride – who we are and the wide range of colors that we all have within us. So, I’ll go to some festivals. I love a festival. I love going out dancing. 

Don’t we all.  So, what do you feel is the best thing about what you do? 

I love people and I love connecting with people and I love helping people. And so, to just be able to share messages from those that have departed or helping people better understand their journey or their purpose here is so fulfilling for me.

Have you discovered anything about yourself that was surprising as you’ve been working with your clients over the years? 

It’s interesting that you’re bringing this up because I’m in the middle of writing out a video of how I want to talk about this journey for myself. What I was not anticipating was how much healing that I would get from helping other people heal along their journey. I think that’s been one of the biggest surprises, but also one of the biggest gifts that I’ve received from this. 

What do you find is your biggest challenge in doing what you do? 

Energetic boundaries for sure. Like I said, I love people and I want to help everybody, but I am only one person and so it’s not necessarily physically possible, but I find ways to help as many people as I can, like through Instagram or through live events. I find that that helps me kind of reach a lot of people at one time. 

Travis Holp
Photo by Brazen House Studios- Melissa Stone

I am sure you have faced your share of skeptics. How do you deal with skeptics in your industry?

I just let those folks be where they’re at. I’m not here to convince anybody of what I do. I’m just here to serve those who resonate with the work or align with this type of work and I think with skeptics, they’re on their own journey of figuring stuff out, and that’s okay. I just let them be right where they’re at. 

What are you hoping to achieve with the work that you do? 

I want to help as many people as possible and allow the universe to work through me while I do that. That’s it. Everything else is just amazing, right? Anything else that comes from it is just great, but ultimately, I’m here to let the universe work through me and help as many people as possible.

Now, you have a podcast, Psychic Happy Hour. Can you tell me a little bit more about that?

Psychic Happy Hour was born from just wanting to help educate more people about psychic work and mediumship and just to really help kind of demystify some of it because I think some of it can be either a little confusing or there just isn’t a lot of knowledge around it.

So, my goal always is to just educate even when I’m in private sessions and Psychic Happy Hour is just one of the ways that I help educate people. 

You have amassed quite a large audience on social media, and you’ve got a lot of followers, and you’ve got your podcast. What is on your bucket list of things you’d like to still do?

Oh, I would love to write a book. I think that’s been a desire of mine for a long time. I would love to continue doing live events.  But ultimately, I want to serve and do all of these things in a very balanced and peaceful way. I’m in a place in my life where I feel so free and so just maintaining that freedom is my ultimate desire out of all of that. 

Travis Answers the Socialite Seven

Who has been your biggest inspiration? 

My sister. 

What are three things you can’t live without? 

Oh, music.  I love – this sounds so crazy – a good lip balm. My lips are always dry and I just feel like I need a good lip balm, and then I would have to say my friendships.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

My own ego when it’s out of check.

If you could wake up tomorrow with a talent or a superpower you do not already possess, what would it be?

The ability to time travel, I think, would be super fun. 

If they made a movie of your life, who would you want to play you? 

So, the age doesn’t line up, but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. Stanley Tucci. I love Stanley Tucci so much. The age doesn’t line up. It would be absolutely ridiculous, but Stanley Tucci.

What overused word or phrase would you like to eliminate forever? 

Negative energy. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The best piece of advice that I have ever been given is that love is universal and through that love, all things are possible. 

Listen to the Psychic Happy Hour Podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you stream.  Follow Travis on Instagram and TikTok and on his website.

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