The upcoming fifth season of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, previously scheduled to air on Showtime, will now premiere on VH1 (June 5, 8/7c). Additionally, the 10 returning contestants have finally been Ru-vealed.
As seen in the video below, the following fan favorites are confirmed to be competing for that $100,000 cash prize, as well as a permanent spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame alongside Chad Michaels, Alaska, Trixie Mattel, Monet X Change and Trinity the Tuck:
The 10 queens sashaying on to the runway of All Stars season 5 include:
★ Alexis Mateo (Season 3, All Stars 1)
★ Blair St. Clair (Season 10)
★ Derrick Barry (Season 8)
★ India Ferrah (Season 3)
★ Jujubee (Season 2, All Stars 1)
★ Mariah Paris Balenciaga (Season 3)
★ Mayhem Miller (Season 10)
★ Miz Cracker (Season 10)
★ Ongina (Season 1)
★ Shea Couleé (Season 9)
“For All Stars 5, we’ve come up with a new twist that is so twisted it’s guaranteed to twist your twisted minds,” said four-time Emmy Award-winning host and executive producer RuPaul. What could that possibly be?
The All-Stars Queen “RuVeal” launched exclusively on the RuPaul’s Drag Race YouTube channel, via a YouTube Premiere. Following the launch, fans were able to “Meet the Queens” via RuPaul’s Drag Race social channels.
Watch a sneak peek of their “werkroom” entrances above and meet the queens below.
More Drag Queen Goodness Below
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