Ryan Phillippe, David Hernandez, Joe Manganiello, and More Insta Snaps

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Ryan Phillippe

In appreciation of the easy on the eye male celebrity, we bring you Insta Snaps featuring your favorite male celebrities and their Instagram photos or videos.

Cheers, Ryan Phillippe, David Hernandez and his boomerang, Joe Manganiello throws it back to muscle beach and more!

Yes, we know that these men or much more than just eye candy, but allow us to be a little superficial for the moment, especially since some of these pics are definitely thirst traps.


Gavin Rossdale

Karamo Brown

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Gurl, she loves a fan moment. 💜💜

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Nick Adams

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necked (@balthiercorfi @stonemgmt)

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Johnny Sibilly

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GoOd mOrNiNg 🌞😃 🧖‍♂️

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Brad Goreski

Derek Hough

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That outfit though? @nbcworldofdance @jlo

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David Hernandez

Joe Manganiello

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#tbt to Muscle Beach, April 19, 2013… I had finally finished up four days of shooting all of the photos for my book Evolution with photographer Patrik Giardino after completing an insane 14 day gauntlet that also included cover shoots for Joe Wieder’s Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Health, and Men’s Health UK. I left the beach and hustled to get cleaned up before heading over to a big $10,000 buy in charity poker tournament at Arnold Schwarzenegger’s house benefitting his charity, After School All Stars. I was beyond exhausted from the training and shooting in the sun and just wanted to go home, take a hot shower and lay down… but somehow I rallied. I figured I’d make an appearance, smoke a stogie with Arnold and sneak out but once I got there and mingled with my friends, I found a second wind and sat down to play. What happened after that can only be described as an “out of body” experience. I was borderline delirious and because of the fatigue, apparently I was giving no tells and I swear to you I could sense what everyone had in their poker hands including the pros playing in the tournament like Annie Duke. In fact, after 4.5 hours I entered the final table as the big stack and wound up taking down Annie on my way to taking the entire tournament and the White Gold Richard Mille RM11 Grand Prize. I decided to retire from poker shortly thereafter. What a night…

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Ryan Phillippe

Lenny Kravitz

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Ed Westwick

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Vanity Unfair

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