Taiwan Toddler Swept 100ft Into Air By Kite — WATCH

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Taiwan Toddler Swept 100ft Into Air By Kite

Holy crap! A three-year-old girl was lifted into the sky while holding on to a kite.

The youngster was at a kite festival in Nanlioao, Taiwan, when a gust of wind pulled her into the air as she held onto a large orange kite. Watch the video below.

The unidentified girl remained in the air, rising and falling with the wind, for about 30 seconds before adults were able to grab her and pull her back to earth, according to Taiwan English News.

The girl was not seriously hurt, suffering some bruising to her face and neck, and slight cuts to her neck, the outlet reported.

The Hsinchu City Government suspended the festival and have promised to launch a safety review, Taiwan English News reports.

Watch the video to the incident below

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