The Five — ‘Floor Is Lava,” Monkey Eats a Banana, Trump Drinks Water, AC2’s Sons and Henry Winkler More

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Floor Is Lava

This is The Five, our run down five things that we are passionate about, loving, are truly obsessed with, can’t wait for, give us a laugh, are truly inspirational, or are worthy of a little shade.

Today in The Five, we are featuring the ridiculous Floor Is Lava, a monkey eating a banana minus the stringy bits, Trump drinks water (ooooh), Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen‘s sons “meet,” and Henry Winkler has some fun with Donald Trump.

ONE: Floor Is Lava

It’s so ridiculous that it’s binge-worthy.

YouTube video

TWO: Monkey Eats a Banana

He’s not that into the stringy bits.

THREE: Trump Drinks Water

And the crowd loses it’s shit!

FOUR: Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen’s Sons Finally “Meet”

Andy Cohen’s son Benjamin and Anderson Cooper’s newborn son Wyatt have an adorable virtual meet and greet to talk about their future friendship.

YouTube video

FIVE: “One Hand”

Henry Winkler has some fun at Donald Trump’s expense.

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