Dwayne Johnson reveals his showering habits — he’s clean y’all

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Dwayne Johnson 2016 MTV Movie Awards - Show
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BANG Showbiz English

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson showers three times a day.

The 49-year-old actor insisted he is the “opposite of a ‘not washing themselves’ celeb” following recent revelations from the likes of Jake Gyllenhaal, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher and Kristen Bell about bathing habits.

In response to a fan on Twitter who said she and her colleages had decided the ‘Jungle Cruise’ actor “can’t possibly be one of those stinky ones”, he wrote: “Nope, I’m the opposite of a “not washing themselves” celeb. Shower (cold) when I roll outta bed to get my day rollin’. Shower (warm) after my workout before work. Shower (hot) after I get home from work. Face wash, body wash, exfoliate and I sing (off key) in the shower.”

The ‘Moana’ star’s reassurance came after ‘Relic’ actor Jake insisted he doesn’t think bathing is “necessary”.

He said: “More and more I find bathing to be less necessary, at times.

“I do believe, because Elvis Costello is wonderful, that good manners and bad breath get you nowhere. So I do that. But I do also think that there’s a whole world of not bathing that is also really helpful for skin maintenance, and we naturally clean ourselves.”

A debate about cleanliness was sparked by Mila and Ashton , who recently admitted they don’t bathe their children until they can “see dirt” on them.

The discussion began during an appearance on the ‘Armchair Expert’ podcast, when co-hosts Dax Shepard and Monica Padman spoke about the frequency in which they wash.

Mila, 37, revealed that she hardly ever had a shower growing up as a child because they didn’t have hot water at home.

The ‘Bad Moms’ star explained: “I didn’t have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn’t shower much anyway. But when I had children, I also didn’t wash them every day. I wasn’t that parent that bathed my newborns — ever.”

Ashton, 43, added: “Now, here’s the thing: If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there’s no point.”

Dax later weighed in on the topic with his own wife Kristen Bell, as the couple admitted they also don’t bathe their kids every day.

The ‘CHIPS’ actor said: “We bathed our children every single night prior to bed as their routine, then somehow they just started going to sleep on their own without their routine and we had to start saying [to each other] like, ‘Hey, when was the last time you bathed them?’ “

While Kristen added: “I’m a big fan of waiting for the stink. Once you catch a whiff, that’s biology’s way of letting you know you need to clean it up. There’s a red flag. Honestly, it’s just bacteria; once you get bacteria you gotta be like, ‘Get in the tub or the shower.’ So I don’t hate what [Mila and Ashton] are doing. I wait for the stink.”

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