Gus Kenworthy arm wrestles Ken X Y in new Cann campaign

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Gus Kenworthy and Ken XY for Cann

Anyone up for watching Gus Kenworthy and singer/songwriter Ken X Y arm wrestle in their underwear?

Well, that is exactly what they are doing in a new campaign for the cannabis-infused, social tonic drink brand Cann.

Gus Kenworthy and Ken XY for Cann
Photo via Cann/Instagram

The video is promoting Cann‘s “Hi Boy” line of cannabis-infused seltzers that come in all sorts of different flavors (lemon lavender, grapefruit rosemary, blood orange cardamom, ginger lemongrass) and to tease an initiative that the brand is calling the “Hi Boy Experience,” which will be released this month.

Gus Kenworthy and Ken XY for Cann
Photo via Cann/Instagram

Watch Gus Kenworthy and Ken X Y in the new Cann campaign on Instagram.

A previous campaign featured drag queens Symone, Gigi Goode and Rosy Thorn.

Symone for Cann
Photo by Cann/Instagram
Gigi Goode for Cann
Photo by Cann/Instagram
Rosy Thorn for Cann
Photo by Cann/Instagram

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