NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Canadian Schitt’s Creek will end after its upcoming sixth season, the cast and creators announced Thursday. — BuzzFeed News
Apparently, Lady Gaga and Jeremy Renner have been hanging out quite a bit as of late. Sure, why not? — Us Weekly
It is amazing how well Adam Ant‘s “Desperate But Not Serious” has held up over the years. — Kenneth in the 212
Are you ready for the John Wick 3 trailer? Regardless, here it is:
K-pop star Jung Joon-young was arrested Thursday over allegations that he shared sexually explicit videos of women filmed without their knowledge or consent. — CNN
Because they can, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez use the romance to sell shades. — Dlisted
Chris Hemsworth showers:
Miss Vanjie as Rachel Maddow in gif form. You’re welcome.
The day’s endnotes help you catch up on all the entertainment and celebrity news that you may have missed.