Sharon Stone Attacks Anti-Maskers After Sister With COVID-19 ‘Fights For Life’

Michael Prieve 2 Min Read
2 Min Read
Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone‘s sister Kelly is “fighting for her life” after contracting coronavirus, and the actress is calling out at “non-mask wearers” as a result of her sibling's diagnosis.

The actress wrote on an Instagram post:

“My sister Kelly, who already has lupus, now has COVID-19,” Sharon wrote. “This is her hospital room. One of you Non-Mask wearers did this. She does not have an immune system. The only place she went was the pharmacy. There is no testing in her county unless you are symptomatic, & then it’s 5 day wait for results. Can YOU FACE THIS ROOM ALONE? Wear a mask! For yourself and others. Please 💜.”

Sharon also reposted a photo Kelly posted of she and her husband, trying to escape the virus back in March.

“Please light candles for my sister Kelly and her husband, my dear friend Bruce 🤍🙏🏻🌿.”

Repost from @thekellystone “This is us. March 13. Drove to our paradise in Montana. We thought covid wouldn’t and couldn’t find us. No shopping, no parties, barely saw a human. Now fighting for a don’t want covid.”

In a video post Sharon said:

“My grandmother died of COVID and my godmother died of COVID. My sister and her husband are fighting for their lives and my sister is not doing well.

“The only thing that’s gonna change this is if you vote, and if you vote for [Joe] Biden and if you vote for Kamala Harris. And the reason that’s going to happen is because with women in power, we will fight for our families. We will fight for people to live. And we will fight for people to get tested.”

“Please vote. And please, whatever you do, don’t vote for a killer.”

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