The Five — 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds, Gianna Floyd, 8CANTWAIT, Lighting Up the Sky, and Facebook

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George Floyd Memorial

This is The Five, our weekday rundown of five things that we are passionate about, bring levity to our day or are truly inspirational.

Today in The Five, we are featuring an 8 minute and 46 second moment of silence for George Floyd, Gianna Floyd missing her daddy, the #8CANTWAIT hashtag, a tribute of lights and Facebook is still horrible.

ONE: 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds

Rest in power, George Floyd.

YouTube video

TWO: Gianna Floyd Misses Her Daddy

“My daddy changed the world.”


It stands for eight policies, which purportedly will help decrease police violence if enacted by municipalities.

Campaign Zero

FOUR: Light Up the Sky

The comments on this tweet show how very, very, very much further we need to go.

FIVE: Your Daily Reminder that Facebook Is Horrible

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