Teen Wolf’s Tyler Posey is trending after videos from his OnlyFans page were leaked on social media.
In one video, Tyler is responding to a request from a fan who asks him to “smack” his penis against his stomach.
In another clip, he shows fans part of his genitals to “thank” them for tipping him on the platform.
On his OnlyFans live stream, he claimed that he had “penetrated and been penetrated” by trans women.
In October 2020, the actor revealed that he has been with men previously and does not like to label his sexuality.
We won’t be linking to the video here, but all you have to do is search his name on Twitter and we’re sure you’ll find it.
He once said “I was hit with wanting to come out myself and be honest about it. I know a lot of kids look up to me and I want to get rid of that stigma,” in an interview on Sirius XM.
Needless to say, “fans” were not impressed by the video. Fans reacted with many gifs, screencaps, and short clips of being traumatized, washing their eyes out, or screaming and running away. That is one strange way to wake up to when checking social media.