Anderson Cooper announced the birth of his second son Thursday on CNN before exiting his prime time show to take some time off.
“We have a lot to get to tonight, but I want to start off with good news, which also happens be personal news,” Cooper said. “In early 2020, in the dark days of the pandemic, I announced the birth of my son Wyatt.
“The pictures I showed were Wyatt taken just days after he was born. This is Wyatt today. He’s nearly 22 months old and he is sweet and funny and the greatest joy of my life. If he looks particularly happy in this picture, it is because he now has a baby brother.”
Cooper then displayed a picture of his eldest son and his new baby:
His name is Sebastian and I would like you to meet him. This is Sebastian Luke Maisani-Cooper. He was 6.8 pounds at birth and is healthy and happy. Even his occasional hiccups are, to me, adorable. He mostly just sleeps and eats and he certainly poops. But he already seems like a wise and thoughtful little chap.
Cooper said both of his children will be raised by he and his former partner Benjamin Maisani.
He also thanked a surrogate mother for carrying the child.
The host then handed the reins of his show over to network anchor John Berman.
“I will be taking off the rest of this week and next week as well, and thankfully the rest of this show to spend time with my kids,” Cooper said. “I wish you all good thoughts and happy days.”
Berman took over, and commented on the photo of Cooper’s son.
“I can’t take my eyes off him,” Berman said. “He’s perfect. Go. Run. Run home. Get back to him as quickly as you can.”