Ex-baseball player Jose Canseco took swing after swing at Alex Rodriguez on Twitter late Sunday night (March 10, 2019), alleging that the 43-year-old has been cheating on Jennifer Lopez, with whom he announced his engagement Saturday.
Canseco also challenged Rodriguez to a fight.
“Watching World of Dance watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica (Canseco) poor girl she has no idea who he really is.”
“I was there a few months back with her when he called her on her phone,” Canseco tweeted, referring to his ex-wife.
“Alex Rodriguez stop being a piece of shit stop cheating on Jennifer Lopez,” Canseco said.
“Alex Rodriguez I challenge you to a boxing match or an MMA match anytime you want.”
I’m not sure how the whole boxing match challenge plays into this, but it made for a more interesting tweet storm.
Canseco also directly tweeted to Lopez and included the Las Vegas phone number he has shared before. “If you want the truth about Alex Rodriguez call me,” Canseco wrote.

That tweet has since been taken down.
In another tweet, Canseco offered to take a polygraph test. “I am willing to take a polygraph to prove that what I’m saying about Alex Rodriguez is 100% accurate,” he wrote.
Rodriguez, who was something of a disgraced figure in baseball towards the end of his career due to his own bouts with performance-enhancing drugs, has undergone a dramatic image rehabilitation in recent years.
He’s launched successful careers in business and sports broadcasting, and got together with Lopez in early 2017, leading up to their engagement this weekend.