Actor Kevin McHale says he accidentally gave his boyfriend food poisoning but initially mistook it for coronavirus. Oops.
The former Glee star, 32, revealed how his boyfriend and actor Austin McKenzie became “super sick” recently and they were convinced he had COVID-19.
However, two tests later confirmed it was not the coronavirus but instead was due to undercooked chicken sausages giving him salmonella.
Confessing to his followers on Twitter, Kevin wrote: “But have you undercooked chicken sausage (unintentionally) and then served it to your bf and then he got superrrrr sick and you thought it was covid and you got tested twice but nah you just fed him salmonella?’
“He should break up with me. I would.”
Austin himself replied to the tweet: “Just doin’ some light research,’ while sharing a screenshot of a google search for: ‘How to get revenge on your husband.”
When the 26-year-old was semi-recovered, he made sure to change his Twitter bio to reflect the events of the past weekend.
“I left Twitter many years ago. I'm back on now to monitor my thirsty boyfriend, Kevin Mchale, who ‘accidentally' gave me salmonella 5 days ago,” McKenzie wrote.