Say Hello to Sonja Morgan’s $75,00 Facelift

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Sonja Morgan is opening up about getting plastic surgery. The 56-year-old reality star revealed via Instagram on Monday (July 20, 2020) that she got a lower facelift and neck lift after production wrapped on season 12 of The Real Housewives of New York City.

Sharing a side-by-side of her before and after pics, Morgan wrote, “I just wanted to be rid of the wrinkling on my neck and the jowls that were starting to form. People thought I was nuts because it was so subtle. But not to me!”

“It was a no-brainer – gravity had taken its toll, I was also exhausted and I needed a ‘pick me up,'” she admitted. “I entrusted my face to the best @drjacono and he hit it out of the park. He uses a method called deep plane which goes under the muscle so your skin is still attached. Your blood flows and your face stays vibrant and heals fast.”

Her co-star, Leah McSweeney, commented that she would visit Dr. Jacono when the time was right for her to go under the knife, adding, “You look stunning. And love your openness about it.”

The doctor further explained the benefits of his operation. “It lifts the deep structures of the face while also releasing facial ligaments,” Jacono said. “Which results in a naturally volumized, heart-shaped face of youth, free of distortion or tension. It also eliminates the need for recurrent injectable fillers and fat grafting.”

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