The Five — A Dog and His Balloon, Repeal 50-A, How to Lobster, Dog Tail Wagging and Love

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A Dog and His Balloon

This is The Five, our daily run down five things that we are passionate about, loving, are truly obsessed with, can’t wait for, give us a laugh, are truly inspirational, or are worthy of a little shade.

Today in The Five, we are featuring a dog and his balloon, Mariah Carey‘s plea for Repeal 50-A, Sarah Cooper‘s “How to Lobster,” dog tail wagging and love.

ONE: A Pup Plays With His Balloon

Decompress a little by watching this.

YouTube video

TWO: Listen To Mariah Carey

In New York State, the statute 50-A keeps officers’ disciplinary records “confidential and not subject to inspection or review” is under new scrutiny.

THREE: How to Lobster

Yep. This is really how ridiculous Donald Trump is. I’ve probably watched this video 25 times already.

FOUR: Tail Wagging

We could all use some cute.

FIVE: All We Need Is Love

YouTube video


DISCLAIMER: We only feature things that we love. If you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale.

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