Blac Chyna and her mother Tokyo Toni are still at odds. Tokyo thinks baby Dream ought to stay with her disgruntled father Rob Kardashian until Chyna gets her shit together.
Video: Black Chyna’s Mom Says Rob Kardashian Needs To Take Custody Of Their Daughter Dream!
— RappedOut.Com (@RappedoutDotCom) February 7, 2019
Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos is hitting back against the National Enquirer and its owner, American Media, alleging that the publication tried to blackmail him by threatening to publish explicit photographs of both him and Lauren Sanchez-Whitesell.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says the National Enquirer’s publisher attempted to extort him by threatening to release his intimate photos
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) February 8, 2019
Woody Allen has sued Amazon for $68 million for refusing to release his films.
Woody Allen Sues Amazon Studios for $68 Million Over 'Rainy Day in New York'
— TMZ (@TMZ) February 7, 2019
Actress Michelle Rodriguez is defending Liam Neeson in the racism scandal.
Liam Neeson can’t be racist because of how he kisses, says Michelle Rodriguez: “Dude, have you watched Widows? His tongue was so far down Viola Davis’s throat.”
— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) February 7, 2019
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