OK Magazine
More than just a sexy scene!
Months after the trailer for Florence Pugh’s upcoming film, Don’t Worry Darling, lit the internet ablaze for its depiction of a steamy scene between the actress and her on-screen husband, musician Harry Styles, the star is speaking out about how fans and the press alike laser-focused on the sensual moment.
“When it’s reduced to your sex scenes, or to watch the most famous man in the world go down on someone, it’s not why we do it,” Pugh said of the Olivia Wilde-directed psychological thriller, which is set to hit theaters next month. “It’s not why I’m in this industry.”
While Pugh admitted that these reactions were seemingly unsurprising considering Styles’ celebrity — “obviously, the nature of hiring the most famous pop star in the world, you’re going to have conversations like that,” she quipped — the Little Women lead said that she would rather not address the topic.
“That’s just not what I’m going to be discussing,” she stated, dubbing the movie as “bigger and better” than its sex scene. “And the people who made it are bigger and better than that.”
Although Pugh may be staying mum when it comes to these intimate on-screen moments, Styles took a different approach, speaking candidly about filming Don’t Worry Darling’s sex scenes earlier this year. Back in May, Styles told radio personality Howard Stern that he did “feel vulnerable” while shooting these steamy moments, revealing that he had never even “kissed anyone on camera” prior to this project.
“It felt like giving a part of myself away in some ways,” the “As It Was” singer shared before reiterating the importance of trust and transparency while taping these types of scenes.
“I think if you speak about it properly with everyone that’s involved [that helps],” he explained. “If you remember that the most important thing on the set is the two human beings doing it.”
As such, the star advocated for open and honest communication while on set.
“If at any point either one of you is uncomfortable, I think having the conversation where it’s like, ‘It doesn’t matter if they’re getting great stuff, if you don’t feel good, you tell me and we’ll stop,’” he continued.
Pugh’s comments come from an interview for Harper’s Bazzar’s September issue.
Last update on 2024-09-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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