Nick Jonas Has Been a Bad Boy, Which Apparently Helped His Performance in Goat

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Nick Jonas Goat

Nick Jonas is all grown up, and in more ways than one. First leap in maturity?

He went to Sundance. Why you ask? To attend the premiere of his upcoming drama, Goat, where he plays a fraternity brother…oh wait…did I say mature?

Well, the James Franco-produced film is about what happens when hazing goes wrong and you start to question the whole Greek system.

"Goat" New York Premiere
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Interesting…Okay but the real juicy stuff lies in how Nick related to his character.

He opened up to the Daily Beast about it, saying:

“I think that growth is super important in any creative platform and in life in general, and in the TV show [Kingdom] I’m doing a lot of drugs and I’m having a lot of sex. So it wasn’t foreign to me.”

Oh really? Tell us more Nick…

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He then got a little more personal:

“And I’ve had sex and drank a lot [in real life], so there are parts of this film that are perfectly real in some sense. But it’s important to take your fans on a journey. And it’s the responsibility of any artist to say, ‘This is what I’m connected to, this is what inspires me,’ and hopefully you can ask the same questions I’ve asked of myself.”

The singer and actor had a great year on TV as well. He starred in Scream Queens, and then his other show, Kingdom, got picked up for another season. Basically, the man is kicking ass.

But we’re most excited to see Goat, now that we have some personal context behind it.

"Goat" Premiere - 2016 Sundance Film Festival
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Nick went on about the deeper themes of the movie:

“At the core is this concept of modern-day masculinity and what that means, but also brotherhood—and not the love you think you want, but the love you actually need. I think there’s a distorted view because of the inability to be honest and to be transparent as a man sometimes—especially at that age. It’s a taxing age in the sense of you’re coming into who you are and in that is a lot of insecurity.”

Clearly, the man’s experience has allowed him to comment pretty insightfully on issues of gender.

Are you even more excited for this movie now?

Socialite Life debuted back in 2003. SL Flashback showcases some of our favorite content from years past. This article was originally published on January 25, 2016.

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