Sarah Jessica Parker Reveals That a ‘Big Movie Star’ Sexually Harassed Her on Sex and the City Set

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39th Annual Muse Awards
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker attends the 39th Annual Muse Awards at The New York Hilton Midtown on December 13, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

Sarah Jessica Parker has revealed she reported a “big movie star” for “behaving inappropriately” with her early in her career.

The Sex and the City star did not specify what project she was working on at the time.

Speaking on NPR’s Fresh Air radio program, Parker recalled how in the months after MeToo became a global conversation, she began “recognizing countless experiences of men behaving poorly, inappropriately” throughout her working life.

Parker explained how she would “push it away” at the time and brush the behavior off so she could continue working.

39th Annual Muse Awards
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker attends the 39th Annual Muse Awards at The New York Hilton Midtown on December 13, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

“To be honest, I don’t know why I either wasn’t courageous or more destroyed by some of the things that I was privy to, that I was on the receiving end of,” she said.

She explained, “I mean, I had every right to say, ‘This is inappropriate.’ I could have felt safe in going to a superior. And, in fact, I will say, when there was a situation with somebody and I did go to my agent, because I felt I was no longer able to convey how uncomfortable this was making me, how inappropriate it was … within hours everything had changed. He said to them, ‘If this continues, I have sent her a ticket, a one-way ticket out of this city [where she was shooting] and she will not be returning.'”

39th Annual Muse Awards
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker attends the 39th Annual Muse Awards at The New York Hilton Midtown on December 13, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

Though she didn’t identify the actor, she noted, “The nature of the person who I felt was really the instigator — this was a grown man, a very big movie star and, you know, he was baked — meaning his personality, it was cooked. He was a formed person and that wasn’t going to change. But I felt certainly better and safer, like I could finish what I had agreed to do.”

She says that following the experience, things got better on set, though they weren’t great.

Still, she says, “I didn’t have to listen to jokes about me or my figure or what people thought they could talk me into doing,” she said. “All these men. All these men. That stopped.”

39th Annual Muse Awards
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker attends the 39th Annual Muse Awards at The New York Hilton Midtown on December 13, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)
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