Sadly, Goop Is Sold Out of Its ‘This Smells Like My Vagina’ Candles

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Did you order your “This Smells Like My Vagina” Candle from Goop? If not, you’re out of luck for the time being as the $75 candle sold out.

According to the Goop website, the candle started as a joke between Gwyneth Paltrow and professional perfumer Douglas Little and has notes of geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar.

The website says the candle is perfect for putting “fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth” into the atmosphere.

Thankfully, the “This Smells Like My Vagina” doesn’t outwardly have any negative health consequences, but critics say it doesn’t smell anything like a real vagina. The Cut‘s newsroom even did a smell test of the candle with lackluster results.

This Smells Like My Vagina
Photo via Goop

“This smells like a vagina that is douching Summer’s Eve too frequently and will probably end up with a yeast infection,” features writer Allison P. Davis told the Cut.

This is not the first time Paltrow’s brand has shocked the public with a rather unusual present. Last year during the holiday season, Goop made headlines over a “ridiculous but awesome gift guide” that included $43,000 earrings and a BDSM kit.

“Think of this kit as a beginner’s guide to BDSM,” said Goop’s website. “It’s even equipped with DIY restraining straps, to help you, him, or her assume the position (wink, wink).”

There is no word on how long it will take to restock the “This Smells Like My Vagina” candle.



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