In case you weren’t aware, Goop founder Gwyneth Paltrow is selling a candle for $75 that “smells like my vagina.” You’ll have to wait until it is back in stock because it has already sold out.
News of the latest Goop product spread quickly across social media, and it wasn’t long before Dwayne Johnson decided to get in on the joke.
Johnson was first brought into the conversation by comedian Adam Ray, who suggested via Instagram that the pro wrestler turned actor should start selling candles that smell like his balls.

In the replies to Ray’s post, Johnson replied:
“Brother I tried to make those candles but I kept burning my balls. So I moved on to shampoo.”
Now there’s an image for us all to enjoy. He also added the hashtag ‘#scentofsac’, which I think really adds a certain something to the story.
Next thing you know, the OG-genital-scented-candle-maker Paltrow herself was getting involved.
She said: “This is fucking priceless.”

Thanks to the popularity of the Goop lifestyle brand, Paltrow has gone on record saying she’s semi-retired from Hollywood, mainly to oversee the company that’s rapidly growing.
“I’m sort of semi-retired from acting a bit because I have a company [Goop] that I do,” Paltrow told DigitalSpy while promoting her Netflix show. “I’m Gooped from head-to-toe but [Falchuk was] very charming.”
Paltrow and her company will soon be featured in a six-part Netflix Documentary, The Goop Lab, due out January 24th.
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