The five stars of Queer Eye are kicking off their much-anticipated third season with a little help from Carly Rae Jepsen.
On Wednesday, Netflix dropped a new teaser for their popular makeover series that features a snippet of Jepsen’s new single, “Now That I Found You.”
Miranda Lambert got into a heated encounter with a couple dining at Nashville’s Stoney River Steakhouse and dumped her salad on the woman who was provoking her.
Apparently Miranda Lambert Dumped Her Salad All Over a Woman Last Night
— Cosmopolitan (@Cosmopolitan) February 13, 2019
The first official photo of Andy Cohen’s newborn son debuted Wednesday on the cover of People magazine, where the Real Housewives creator shared their “surreal” birthing story with the world and how he’s adjusting to fatherhood.
Meet Andy Cohen's Baby! The Bravo Host Describes His Experience in the Delivery Room
— People (@people) February 13, 2019
Aziz Ansari called the sexual misconduct allegation made against him last year a “terrifying thing to talk about” during his set Monday night at Village Underground in New York, Vulture reported.
Aziz Ansari said the sexual misconduct allegations against him gave him “perspective”
— HelloGiggles (@hellogiggles) February 13, 2019
A feature-length film Breaking Bad sequel starring Aaron Paul, the sidekick character in the critically beloved TV series Breaking Bad is in the works.
#BreakingBad Movie Is a Sequel Starring Aaron Paul and Will Air on AMC and Netflix
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) February 13, 2019
On Monday night, Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart reunited to celebrate the actor’s 27th birthday.
Taylor Lautner And Kristen Stewart Reunited And "Twilight" Fans Are Losing Their Minds
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) February 13, 2019
Consider the news in tweets (with perhaps an Instagram photo or video thrown in), the day’s endnotes that help you catch up on all the entertainment and celebrity news that you may have missed today.